Toy Story, directed by John Lasseter, is a 1995 motion picture movie developed by Disney and Pixar. It’s a famous children's movie that plays a very important role in society and can give off many different messages to everyone watching. Toy Story creates narratives for children to conform and adapt to society in many different ways. Have you ever thought why was this movie written? In Toy Story, a few messages that stick out are Deviance, Social Class, and Gender Roles.
Deviance is any behavior that violates social norms and is usually of sufficient severity to warrant disapproval from the majority of society. Deviance can be criminal or noncriminal. Media helps us frame the way we think, act, and choose. Children have growing brains
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An example of this stereotype of gender roles in Toy Story would be when Sid's sister wears pink clothes and plays with dolls. This is stereotypical of girls because girls are thought of to wear pink and play with dolls from a very young age. Sid, however, wears a shirt with a skull and plays with action figures. Besides that think about what Sid did to the toys he was very rough and even broke some and that is another stereotype of a boy's gender role. The story also teaches that it’s important to respect other people's property, as well as your own! This lesson is the Golden Rule, it tells us that we should treat others in the same way we would like them to treat us. Also, most of the time, people usually care about their property this means that we should treat the property of others in the same manner that we would have them treat our property. Accidents do happen and that is okay but the best thing to do is tell the child who owns the toy or even an adult about it right away, apologize, and help clean up. Something you don’t want to do is break something and not tell anyone and that is another point that this movie points …show more content…
Sometimes you may not think it is sociology but some small social action whether it be a conflict or not between characters I bet you can relate that to sociology somehow. Toy Story is a movie that stood out to me and has been one of my favorite movies for a really long time and that is why I picked this movie to write my essay about. I have even planned a youth group event a few years ago centered around values and morals from this movie. A few examples that I found very important in this movie are Deviance, Social Class, and Gender