Generation Matters: Annotated Bibliography

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Instructions: Review the following resources. Write a summary of each, including appropriate in-text citations. Information on how to cite correctly is found in the CSU-Global library under CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA: In-Text Citations. Reference Generation matters. (2015). Journal of Protective Coatings and Linings, 32(3), 52. Summary of the article including citations The article “Generation Matters” (2015) discusses the different generations and the different attributes in work ethic, skills and communication style. Starting off with the traditionalists who were people born between 1927-1945. This generation was directly influenced by the Great Depression and directly impacted by WWII. JPCL (2015). This generation had a great …show more content…

They preferred face to face interactions worked well as teams and are not typically using the technology of today. The next generation the Baby Boomers born between 1946 to 1964. This generation grew up when America was “booming”, there was television, phone service, space program etc. JPCL (2015). Currently Baby boomers are in management roles but worked confident in their abilities and expected a “hand-off” approach when managing them. They like authority and tend to be competitive. Communication with this generation is anything from meetings to phone to email. The next generation is Generation X they were born from 1965-1980. This generation grew up with a great deal of change. Major historical events such as man landing on the moon, end of the Cold War and the fall of the Berlin wall. LPCL (2015) This was also the generation where there was personal computers and video games. Generally, this generation does not enjoy positions of authority but are hardworking and quick studies. Communication for Generation X is pretty open from phone to email to text even meetings but they prefer things to be immediate and direct. Lastly is Generation Y or the Millennials they were born between 1980 to the early 2000’s. This generation is …show more content…

There are 3 preliminary steps outlined of agreeing what is being measured, focus on outcomes not inputs, and make sure data is robust as possible. Liekierman, A. (2009) In these preliminary steps you can begin to determine what value do you or your organization have in a leader. From there you can move into the steps of measuring your leader. Step 1 is to set up the framework, this is where you set up measurable and precise objectives. Step 2 is to use judgement to interpret, using peer groups could be beneficial but is not always an option. There is also the issue questioned of lags. A person who looks like they were an amazing leader who once out of the role issues surface down the road. Step 3 As far as possible, reconcile the needs of different stakeholders. Receiving a completely unbiased view can be difficult, especially as one gains notoriety. In conclusion of this article leadership is much more than just what is achieved. It is about “successful outcomes against stated objectives combined with comparisons against a relevant peer group and the way which opportunities are handled” Liekierman

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