Generation Y: The Next Great Generation By Howe And Strauss

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The most widely quoted book written about Generation Y is Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation by Howe and Strauss. Generation Y: extraordinary, shielded, certain, traditional, team players, accomplishing and compelled there are the key characteristics given by Howe and Strauss in their book. They are uncommon because of the fact that they are the offspring of Baby Boomers, and accordingly they have a feeling of extraordinariness to some extent from the experience they got and it gives them a feeling of leading tha national dialogue.They feel more protected because they were taken care of by their parents and governments power. As a concequence of being treated exceptionally and sheltered, they are sure to deserve good faith and …show more content…

Based on Strauss and Howe book anxiety the ethnical assorted qualities of this era. Strauss and Howe also pointed out that schools and colleges are changing because of the entry of millennials and their parents. The parents always float over their kids and attempt to persuade at schools that their kids truly merits a better evaluation. According to Strauss and Howe representatives of Generation Y are attracted by trustworthy and famous education programmes and prefer brand names when selecting the right college and that increases the competition during enrollment procedure. Also Strauss and Howe states that rivalry for admission is expanding and Generation Y is said to support team work styles in education. This implies that new ways to deal with stress participation, working in groups and being in charge of own learning results, are becoming the overwhelming focus according and the teacher is then no more characterized as an infinitely knowledgeable power yet satisfies significantly more a part of an arbitrator who helps understudies to secure new ways of learning. This would imply that Generation Y is taught to a lesser degree in the conventional way, however are offered time to work …show more content…

Also mentioned that Generation Y is less interested in politics but more take care about the amounts of money earned and less interested in helping each other rather enjoying themseleves, being extremely individualistic in comparison to other generations. Generation Y was also described in a positive way as follows: supportive in terms of gay people rights, critisizing discrimination of minorities as a result of being raised open-minded by their families. Also considered to be certain, self-expressive, liberal, fiery and open to new plans what's more to existencialism methodologies. There are vivacious, whether not tedious, common contention around if representatives of Generation Y guided self-entitled narcissists and on the other hand liberal do-gooders and mostly considere that it is something amidst. But despite all the positive characteristics given by different authors and scholars, researchers to Generation Y traditionally the represntatives are considered individualist with a small negative shade and narcissists as well. Below we would like to list few main characteristics and descriptions very common to