
Genesis 1-10 Summary

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was also warned people. He said people should responsible for their evil behavior and God will punish those evil deeds. God promised there are never flood the whole world and he use the rainbow to remind people what he promised. Even Noah was a great servant of God, but he is not perfect. His son always gossiped Noah about he drank too much wine. His son Ham’s family was suffered because this terrible behavior what Ham is not respect his father. But Noah’s other sons was blessed.
Chapter 10 is start a new part of Genesis. After the flood, people can see the account is true; they do alive and grow up so quickly. Since everyone is Noah’s descendant, so they all spoke the same language. They lived together and be powerful. Then they built a great …show more content…

This chapter was described Shem’s family. Shem is the ancestor of Abram. In the end of the chapter 10, God said that all the people in the world would receive a blessing by means of Abram.[ Genesis 12:3] God was made a wonderful plan for Abram to leave his family and start a journey. God promised Abram that his descendant would become a great nation and God will bless everyone in the world. Jesus was died so that God forgiven our sin. Then Abram was preferred use his own smart idea to disobey God stay somewhere God did not ask him to. So Abram would have trouble in that place. Abram was traveled with his wealth tempted nephew Lot. Because of the different character, Lot decided to live with some wicked people in where he can get wealth. Abram was different, he choose to trust God and he get what God promised. Abram was ‘very’ rich. And the famine had been ‘ very’ bad [ Genesis 12:10].Abram did not join the tribes battle in the first place, while Lot was become a prisoner, Abram decided to rescue …show more content…

Since Abram was just a wealthy farmer, so he had many employees and many slaves who can fight for Abram. Abram had a successful attack by night with his three friends Aner, Eshcol and Mamre. Abram was rescued all people of Sondom. When he was the way return, Abram met a a priest of God who called Melchizedek. The Canaan where God promised Abram to live will not belong to the Abram soon, Abram’s descendants would became the slaves and the residence of Canaan will become wicked. But God still have a plan and he will do everything what he promised. Although Abram’s wife Sarai was too old to have a baby, but God still have a plan to let Sarai be the mother of Abram’s son. Abram just need to trust God. God’s plan was not just for promised any son of Abram, It was to Abra’s special descendant, who is Christ. [ Galatians 3:16]And, by means of Christ, Christians become the sons of God .[ Galatians 4:6] Ishmael is the Abram and his maid Hagar ‘s son, since Ishmael’s bad behavior, Abram had to sent him away to protect his another son Isaac which son God promised. God was given the new names to Abram (Abraham) and Sarai (Sarah) in the chapter 17. Abraham would be father of many nations and he arranged his male member to receive circumcision. After

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