Genetic Disorders Essay

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Genetic disorders are caused by an abnormality in our DNA. One genetic disorder that affects many lives, whether it be ourselves or someone we know, is Cancer. Cancer is caused by uncontrollable cell division. There are over 100 different types of cancer that we know of. There are many risk factors that can lead to getting cancer. Some of these things may be genetic, but some are also environmental including smoking and pollution. Cancer can affect us in many ways.Cancer can affect many parts of the body, including our internal organs, skin, bones, blood, and even our brain. These different types of cancer affect a variety of the different parts of our body. When the tumor suppressor gene becomes mutated, this causes cells to divide uncontrollably, …show more content…

Depending on how severe and advanced the cancer, doctors can try out different methods of treatment in order to hopefully slow down and eliminate the cancer. Most people go through a combination of different treatment options. Some types of cancer treatment include: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. When using surgery as a method for treatment, a surgeon will try to remove the cancer from your body. Radiation therapy is used to kill cancer cells using high levels of radiation. Radiation can also be used to potentially shrink tumors. Drugs are used to kill the cancer cells in chemotherapy. All these different ways are being used to help treat cancer patients.Some people are more at risk of getting certain types of cancer than others. One example of this is found in breast cancer. Women are more at risk of getting breast cancer than men, but men can still get breast cancer. On the flip side of this women can not get prostate cancer, only men can. There is not one group of people more susceptible to cancer, but certain people may be more at risk depending on the type of cancer.We are at high risk of getting cancer in our lifetimes, around 1 in 3 people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. The most common type of cancer that is diagnosed is breast cancer. Lung and skin cancer are two other common types of cancers, most of which we can help prevent ourselves by taking care of our

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