Genetic Modification Is Ethical Essay

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Ethics is a difficult subject because to decide what is, or is not ethical one must first take into consideration what others deem ethical, one of the more extensive obstacles being religion and how different people of different faiths view a subject as controversial as Genetic Modification. Many faiths would safely say that Genetic Modification is 100% wrong, and that it is not our place to tamper with such science. But completely opposite of this belief other religions believe that we have been made in the image of their “god” and that we are here to fix the mistakes of ”god”, whomever that may be. One must take into account the fact that there are many different views on whether or not we should dive further into the science of genetic …show more content…

In addition GMOs also blow out competition who choose not to use them. Take for example there are two separate farmers both with a similar if not the same consumer base. Because of this they are both forced to compete against each other. The two farmers farms are virtually the same except for the simple fact that farmer B utilizes GMOs for his crops. Because of these GMOs, farmer A inevitably goes out of business as he cannot keep up with his competition, and is then forced to sell his farm, while farmer B is booming. This scenario happens to farms and business consistently not only in America but around the world. Do you consider this to be ethical, while some farms are attempting to resist the temptation of GMOs they are inevitably forced to make the decision of use GMOs or go out of business. Is it ethical to allow GMOs in certain markets where they will ultimately put others out of business, where their use would vastly outpace and force out those who refuse to use them? These GMOs are putting millions of farms out of business, however they are also providing much more food and crops that the non-gmo farms helping considerably with the issue of hunger especially in third world countries. Is putting natural, and organic farms out of business worth putting millions of organic farms out of