Genre, Codes, And Target Audience

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This essay is aimed to explain the definition of terms: genre, codes and conventions and target audiences. The first part is going to explain the meaning of three terms and the second part is going to look how these terms are expressed in a media text. Finally, the last part is going to answer who the target audience is. To begin with, Genre is a simply French word referring to ‘type’ or ‘kind’ but, in media, “Genre” is defined as a way to classify media text by its features such as form, style, framing, atmosphere and so on. Genre is useful to both producers and audiences. Because genre helps producers to figure out whether audiences exist or not and how many audiences the media text has. On the other hand, audiences can decrease the risk of choosing wrong media text because audiences …show more content…

Even though we do not know what kind of film it is, we can easily infer it is horror or thriller movie by its title, typography and moreover the lady who seems to scream in the poster. In addition, while we are watching the film, we can easily listen to high-pitched squeaky sound. These are codes to make a specific meaning in the media text and by these we can easily define its genre. On the other hand, we also can easily predict when the characters in the films are murdered because of conventions we have accepted. Moreover, the place where the murder is happening is a remote motel and this kind of setting up is also an obvious conventions in this genre, horror. Like this, codes and conventions in a media text take a role to make audiences react to media text. For example, to make them expect what is going on the next scene and guess how the film is ended up. In this sense, codes and conventions are interpreted to make the audiences appreciate the media not passively but actively. Sometimes producers break conventions on purpose to make audiences react in the other

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