Genre: Mysetery's Diary Memoir '

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Genre: Mysetery
Format: Chapter Book- Diary Format
Brief Summary: Walking backwords is an emotional mystery about a mother of two mysteriously gets in a car crash, but what was the cause of the crash is the mystery? Mysteriously there was a snake in the mother’s car, but how did the snake get there? Josh who is only twelve years old, tries to solve the mystery while soothing his younger brother Sam, who is four. 2. Personal Connection
Personal Connection/ association to book: Just recently I had a friend pass away that was mysterious. They didn’t see it a murder case, but it was peculiar that a happy man with no recoglition with violence and anger in the past would take his own life along with his girlfriends. In the end they solved the case as a murder along with a suicide. …show more content…

There is not a specific setting in the story, just that it’s during the summer months. The plot of this story is when a mother dies of a freak accident, her oldest son Josh tries to figure out the cause of her death. The theme of the story is figuring out how to deal with death and grief. The Characters are: Josh who is 12 and the eldest son, Sam who is four, and their dad. This story is told from the point of view of Josh.
Additional Characteristics: This story has a strong portrayel of feelings and actions that the family goes through. While their father has been withdrawn, and his younger brother is running wild, Josh tries to find some meaning in all of this. This story is both filled with sadness mixed in with humor. 4. Awards This book was nominated for the CLA Book of the Year for Children Award