
George Orwell's 1984-Technology And A Big Brother Society

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Technology and a Big Brother Society Many people will say that technology is not for watching people,it's for helping people. We use technology in our everyday life, we use it for learning , reassurance, and communication. Technology is used as a tool to learn because we have all the answers to our questions at our fingertips with cell phones and computers. Surveillance cameras at every corner preventing crimes to make people feel safe. Technology doesn't just prevent you from danger but it could also put you in danger. Technology is advancing like in George Orwell's book 1984 but not for the reasons of watching over everyone to make sure no one is rebelling.
Cell phones help us stay connected to our friends and family in …show more content…

The book 1984 by George Orwell takes place in a society where the government controls people's every move. The government in the novel watches everyone through telescreens that are mounted in people's home with no way to turn it off. A telescreen is a one way camera that allows the government to see what your doing. Winston, a character in the 1984 , has a telescreen in his living room. While Winston does his job, rewriting the history for the government in his journal, he keeps his back turned to the telescreen to avoid being seen. “Winston kept his back turned to the telescreen. It was safer, though, as he well knew, even a back can be revealing.” (Orwell) Cell phones, much like telescreens, have cameras, they advertise, and they can keep track of us. Even if we turn our phones off, how do we know that they are not tracking us or collecting our information? “ Shutting it down does not even guarantee it's off malware can keep it on without your realizing it.”(Maass, The New York Times) This is, in a way a privacy issue because it is violating our Fourth amendment in the constitution. In the world of Big Brother the fourth amendment does not exist so that is why they have no problem using the telescreens but, here in America it does. The government shouldn't have

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