George Washington's Farewell Address Analysis

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George Washington and his farewell address to his fellow Americans. He wrote the farewell address to the newly formed America and giving them warnings about today’s issues and some of the long term issues America might encounter over time. Washington warned America the young republic of the dangers facing America and bring to light the foreign affairs and how that could be a big problem in the near future. “It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which finds a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions.”2 George saw a huge threat in political parties and how they could separate the unity America had started. Also, he wanted the young republic to keep strong unity and showed the benefits that could come from this. Also, that George was not seeking a third term as president with this he wrote the farewell address to his political power and his public life that he was stepping away voluntarily. No one had stepped away George was the first to do this. There were many contributors to George Washington’s Farewell Address and they were James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington. James and Thomas drafted this …show more content…

Highlighted most through the address was the unity of the country. George stated in the address “The unity of government…is a main pillar in the edifice of your real independence.”1 Following was the power and how the political parties could try and separate the people and not keep the unity between the people that George stressed so much. Next George wanted to show the purpose of religion and how it played a factor in people’s lives and government. Then George wanted to tell everyone America’s role in the nation. George thought that the United States should show good justice and good faith toward all nations. That how the United States would act toward all nations would distinguish them from other