In the last century, aviation has developed immensely. Not long ago, only those who were extremely wealthy could afford flying in an airplane; now, hundreds of thousands of people travel all around the world through the air. However, even though air travel has greatly advanced through the years. There are still dreamers and inventors who envision a modern day flying car. According to Alexander George who found himself at the Las Vegas Convention Center peering at an exhibit of the Ehang 184 that has an appearance of being an oversized drone. This drone offers hope for the future and has the potential to change the face of aviation forever. George is fascinated by this topic of the flying cars. In his article, “The Future of the Flying Car.” He offers glimmers of hope to his readers who are still …show more content…
Although the future of flying cars does not seem to be very realistic, George recalls an interview with George Yan, cofounder and chief operating officer of the Ehang 184. Yan simply reminded George of Bill Gates vision to put a desktop computer in everyone’s home. Though flying cars might be a bigger hurdle to get over than building affordable computers, Yan makes the point that what seemed unrealistic in the 1980s is today’s reality (George, 2016, p. 79). Why not make todays dreams tomorrows realities. One may think that the possibly of one day flying a car to work is nearly impossible because of all the regulations that would have to be passed to make this happen. However, George makes a valid point when he said, “Its true: ambition always outpaces regulation. But if no one tries to invent a flying car, regulator will never be forced to regulate.”(George, 2016, p. 80). In other words, if people did not continue to develop new ideas and inventions, those in charge of public safety would not have a job because there would be nothing for them to