Georgia University System Essay

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Part 1: The Vendor According to the University System of Georgia’s website(2018), the University System of Georgia “was created in 1931 as a part of a reorganization of Georgia’s state government” which in turn unified “public higher education in Georgia... for the first time under a single governing and management authority” (University System of Georgia, 2018c, para 1). Currently, the University System of Georgia includes “26 higher education institutions”, the Georgia Public Library System (GPLS), and the Georgia Archives (university system of Georgia, 2018c, para 2.). These 26 institutions consist of a combination of both colleges and universities. The Galileo initiative also falls under the University System of Georgia. The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia is made up of 19 members who are chosen by the Georgia Governor (University System of Georgia, 2018c, para 1.). According to the University of Georgia’s website, “the board of regents’ executive officer, the chancellor, exercises a general supervisory control over all institutions of the university system , with each institution having its own executive officers and faculty” (University of Georgia,2011, para. 6). The University System of Georgia is sometimes referred to as the …show more content…

4). According to the University System of Georgia’s website, the “university system has an annual budget of more than $8.8 billion for fiscal year 2018” (University System of Georgia, 2018a, para. 9). It is also stated that the University System of Georgia’s “economic impact on the state was $16.8 billion in Fiscal Year 2016 according to the most recent study conducted by the Selig Center for Economic Growth” (university system of Georgia,

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