
Gerald Ford Inaugural Speech

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Gerald Ford was the 38th president of the United States. He took the inaugural oath on August 9, 1974, immediately after Richard M. Nixon, the former president, resigned from office. Nixon served as president of the United States from 1913 to 1944. He was forced to leave office because of events related to the watergate scandal. Gerald Ford is best known for helping to restore confidence in government and America after the Watergate scandal.
Gerald R. Ford jr was born on July 14, 1913. His name at birth was Leslie Lynch King Jr. Ford's mother (Dorothy Ayer Gardner) divorced with Ford's father, just as Ford was a baby. And they soon moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan. But soon she remarried to Gerald R. Ford. Then, both his mother and father agreed to changed Gerald Ford’s name to, Gerald R. Ford Jr. exactly to follow his father. Later on in life Gerald Ford got married to …show more content…

He gave his inaugural address on Friday, August 9, 1974. In his speech Ford talked about ho he took the same speech and oath as any president, but he was going to reshape America in a special way. Even in his speech he was very calm and that surprised many people, because he treated this speech as if it was a casual talk with another person, he even stated that before his speech! “a little straight talk among friends.”But as he was getting deeper into his presidency, he started facing domestic energy crisis, and Downgrading economy, due to the high inflation in prices. He also had a hard time dealing with and almost, democratic congress. Ford’s presidency had good and bad marks, but he could only watch as America started falling to North Vietnamese Communist forces in 1975. However, Ford helped reduce tensions with the Soviet Union by signing the Helsinki Accords, which were meant to strengthen the relationship between America and Europe. Unfortunately, after a tight election, Gerald Ford lost his next election to Jimmy Carter in

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