Gertie The Dinosaurs: A Very Brief History Of Animation

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History of animation Animation 5???? Megan Mc Kenna Contents Introduction 3 Gertie the dinosaur 4 Cell Animation 5 Steam Boat Willie November 18, 1928 6 Stop Motion Animation 7 3D Animation 8 Current trends 9 Animation for gaming 10 Animation for the web 11 Works Cited 12 Introduction What is animation? Animation is the movement or change of objects through time. Animation has changed the way movies are such as Disney films and TV shows Like the Simpsons, family guy etc. Gertie the dinosaur According to my research Gertie the dinosaur was a lively animated dinosaur that Winsor Mc Cay brought to life. It was the first ever cartoon character he made using the latest technology back in 1914. Although she my not have been the first Animated character she captured the hearts of many people who soon became fond of her. Gerite had an appealing personality that caught the attention of many viewers. Gertie still exists to this very day as on …show more content…

Now animation is everywhere on the web, from the vast amount of gif animations, to fully interactive web pages loaded with sound and animation. (Bouwman, 2013) Bibliography Animation reasearch. (2010 йил November). From Burton, michelle. (2012 йил 2-January). Animation career view. From Bouwman, M. (2013). Asifa central. Retrieved from Dreamlight 3D. (2013 йил 13-October). 3D Animation. From jason. (2007, October 7). Steam Boat Willie. Retrieved October 9, 2014, from reilly, D. 0. (2007). Stop Motion Central. From The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. (2000 йил 28-january). the history of Animation. From

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