Get Drunk By Charles Baudelaire Analysis

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“Drunkenness” is commonly defined as the state of being intoxicated. Typically, our first thought directs us towards the act of overindulging in alcoholic beverages causing our spirits lift and act in a carefree manner. Intoxication is more for Baudelaire than a physical overindulgence, he is making the point that time on this earth stops for no one and must not be wasted. Instead, free yourself from these restrictions and live life to the fullest, doing whatever brings you the most happiness. I feel as if a life lived in overindulgence could potentially be the most fulfilling life one could live unless you overindulge yourself in an activity that suffocates and prevents other life experiences from happening.
“Drunken with what” is the question that needs to be addressed when deciding whether overindulging is problematic. Devoting your life to music and spending every hour drunken with the love of music over a lifetime would be a positive example of overindulgence. While, spending a lifetime obsessing over work and chasing the all-mighty dollar could rob you of opportunities of finding the true passions of life. …show more content…

Music is a form of art that encourages our creative souls, therefore satisfying our hunger within for connection and harmony. This is why spending a lifetime consumed in music would have a positive effect on our lives. Bob Marley describes this notion best with the question “Open your eyes look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're