Get Rid Of To Make The World A Better Place Essay

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What would you get rid of to make our world a better place? The three things that I would get rid of to make this world a better place is cancer, stress, and ads. I think that if we got rid of these three things than people would be happier and healthier. The first thing that I would get rid of is cancer. I think that if we got rid of cancer than people would be healthier and happier. The reason I would get rid of cancer is because I have family that has gone through it. One person in my life that went through cancer is my grandma on my dad’s side. All of the family that I have that has gone through cancer is on my dad’s side. My grandma did survive and this happened maybe 6 years ago now. Some other family is three of my great aunts one of …show more content…

I think that if we got rid of stress than people wouldn’t worry about things that aren’t important and they would be happier. People always happen to stress or worry about things that aren’t important. If we could get rid of stress people wouldn’t have to worry about not important things. Stressing makes people sad and depressed sometimes. When people get sad and depressed they seem to stay away from everyone and everything. Stressing can give a feeling that everybody would be happy living without. I think that if we got rid of stress in this world people would be so much happier. These reasons are very truthful on why people get stressed but there are also many more. Getting rid of stress would change this world for the better. The third and last thing I would get rid of to make this world a better place is ads. I would get rid of ads because they annoy people and sometimes make people very frustrated. A time when people get annoyed because of ads is when ads pop up when you’re watching a video and it interrupts your broadcasting. Another time is when people accidently click on ads while playing games. Also sometimes people are researching and a ad can cover up an important part of the article which can make people very annoyed and frustrated. These reasons might apply to people on a daily basis which makes this very