Getting Roped Into Gangs

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It is quite apparent that youth getting roped into gangs is a huge problem and can only lead to two things, jail or death. Many youth feel like gangs want them and will take care of them. When in all reality the gangs could care less about them, they just use youths to do their dirty work and they are deposable. The only way to stop this problem and get youth the help they need is to create and upkeep programs that actually care about the kids and get them out of gangs or get them before they are in gangs. Programs that would get to youths before they are involved with gangs is a very important part in keeping them safe. A program that is in the heart of a poverty stricken area would be a ray of sunshine is a dark and gloomy town. This program …show more content…

There is no way around it, gangs are very dangerous and unstable groups. According to Rob White Getting kids out of gangs is very difficult and can often lead to injury or even worse, death (Indigenous youth and gangs as family). The program that would help kids get out of gangs would take time and be a difficult task. When a child has already joined a gang they are a member for life. According to Meagan Cahill, most youth who join do not make it very long since they are young and have to do the dirty work (Community collaboratives addressing youth gangs: Interim findings from the Gang Reduction Program). These types of programs would go into schools and create presentations and do workshops with the students about gang life. They would also reach out directly to students who are supposedly in a gang. The program would also hold workshops for parents who feel that their child is in a gang. This would inform parents on how they can help their child who has been roped into the dangerous life in a gang. According to Rob White, most parents who suspect their child of being in a gang do not have time to help, programs that would directly help the youth in gangs would be extremely beneficial because it could give a child a sense of family that they yearn for (Indigenous youth and gangs as family). Creating and starting these programs would be hard work but well worth it in the long run if it can help and save children from getting caught up in the dangerous life of a