November 19, 1863. Impressively, the Gettysburg Address composed of simply 272 words remains extremely impactful throughout time. Compelled by the Battle of Gettysburg (July 1-3, 1863) was the death of fifty one hundred thousand Union and Confederate soliders. The Northern invasion by Robert E. Lee was concluded because of this significant battle. In Gettysburg, Pennsylvania the commemoration of the cemetery in which Abraham Lincoln gave his speech took place. Regardless of the Union’s victory, Lincoln chose to focus on liberty and equality; principles established in the Declaration of Independence on which the war had been fought. The president interoperated the battle and war as improving towards a “new birth of freedom.” Eighty seven years prior, the United States grasped its freedom from Britain, influencing them to take on the …show more content…
A strong focus on the Union soliders fighting to preserve the nation was included. Without admiring the Union’s victory or belittling the Southern cause, Lincoln strived to give an impactful Gettysburg Address. Because of this, controversies like slavery were exempt from the speech but implied. A distinguished moral purpose was gained from the Emancipation Proclamation. Yet, Lincoln took advantage of each opportunity to expose his citizens to encouraging speeches to support war, and save the Union. The speech was impactful to the audience because the brevity was unexpected. A witness even stated, “The assemblage stood motionless and silent.” It seemed as if Lincoln doubted the impact and success of his own speech; but even Edward Everett (the main speaker of the day) wished that his two hour speech had as strong of a message as Lincoln’s two minute speech. Many historians believe his speech provided a never before seen perspective; a improved view of the nation’s future. Heartfelt and felicitous, the attention was on Lincoln’s remarks that would continue to impact decades to