
Gettysburg Address Thesis

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On a very impactful day in Abraham Lincoln’s life he delivered a speech dedicating a National Cemetery to all of the Union soldiers killed at the Battle Of Gettysburg during the American Civil War. He began his speech by saying, “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal” (Newman 79). These words expressed to all of the Americans listening that eighty seven years before this speech was given, in 1771, the birth of America, as a new nation, was celebrated. He also recognized all of the hard work that came from the Founding Fathers in order to form the Constitution. He then proceeded to remind listeners that America was created to gain liberty and …show more content…

When Lincoln was very young, his mother died from tremetol, causing him to grow “more alienated from his father. [Abraham] quietly resented the hard work placed on him at an early age” (“Abraham Lincoln,” Biography.com). However, this hard work helped Abraham with his studies later in life. His mother and father were both illiterate, so when his father married Sarah, Abraham’s step-mother, she encouraged him to read. Abraham would walk for miles to borrow a book. He also read the family Bible and other popular books in hopes of receiving a formal education (“Abraham Lincoln,” Biography.com). When Abraham Lincoln turned nineteen, he was asked to assist with the transportation of a flatboat downriver to New Orleans. Lincoln had never seen a city before this opportunity and was unaware of all the horrors of slavery he would witness while away. On this trip, he saw whipping posts, slave pens, traps, and shackles. However, the main factor that reassured his hate for slavery was the public slave auctions

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