
Ghost In The Fog Analysis

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The forgotten are not truly forgotten they have only departed the mind and the lack of recollection has created an illusion of no prior existence. Thus, important events in history are made subjective and trivial through the perception of their lack of significance in the eyes of others as they refuse to recall past events. “They wanted nothing more than to forget what had happened to them (Chapter 10 page 192).” Therefore, personal advancement and the progression of a society is hindered as the truth is veiled as non-existent. In the book Ghosts in the Fog Samantha Seiple portrays a correspondent environment to such a degree that she stresses the importance of recollection and truth. While creating a vivid depiction of the haunting consequences of war Seiple reminds people that hiding the truth has its own consequences, through which people devise a precursor that brings about change in a society and those who gave their lives fighting are made to be “ghosts in a fog.” On the battlefield vulnerability is a factor of life attained through the comportment of being naive as the soldiers were defenseless against enemies. Hence, as a person matures …show more content…

They woke up, fought, and slept with hope of making it through the twenty four hours in a day, in order to find a way home to their families. The rugged terrain and muddy trenches caused sickness and the compaction of marines resulted in diseases spreading like wildfires. “ We were in mud all the time. We fought in the wet, slept in it, ate our soggy, cold rations in it (Chapter 17 page 76).” The rain and rocky steep floors increased enemy sightings often putting the marines at risk. Their environment had forced them all to become prudent and cautious in daily activities. Thus, the fact that they were defending their country often encouraged them at a time when hope might have been

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