Gig Economy Essay

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Gig economy makes people rethink about the safety net The sharing economy is the supported by the higher end startups that comprises of the companies like TaskRabbit, Zipcar, Ecomodo, Airbnb, Uber, ZenDrive, Pillow, Uber and others. The sharing economy is also known as the access economy, peer economy, shareconomy and collaborative consumption. The peer economy allows an individual to share their possessions or services like renting equipments and tools, renting dresses, ride sharing or renting rooms or apartments. Thus, it allows the independent workers to connect with freelancers for a short period of time. This system brings a lot more flexibility in ones job but fails provide the benefits that the traditional full time job offers, like the retirement plan or medicare plan. The United States Presidential runners, Hilary Clinton in her campaign called the peer economy as a gig economy. In her speech, Hilary said that the shareconomy is creating innovation, but raises question about the workplace protection and how the future of the job will look like. The gig economy A gig economy is nothing but an environment where the …show more content…

In the he has described about a market economy in which the individuals engage themselves in commerce with one another. Similarly, this gig economy makes us wonder whether we are moving back to the 18th century economy. Over the past 2 centuries, the evolution of amass production and distribution gave way to the 20th century salaried employees. The main reason behind the peer to peer exchange is because of the digital and technological revolution. Around ninety percent of the services in the sharing economy are based on the population that is equipped with the GPS enabled computers or smartphones. And the digitization of the social network media like LinkedIn and Facebook helps in gaining the trust among the anonymous

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