In a struggle for freedom, a parallel between the tale of King Gilgamesh of Uruk from the story, The Epic of Gilgamesh and the legend of William Wallace of Scotland from the movie, Braveheart, begins to emerge. However, reflection and refraction in attitude and ability to attain freedom between the two heroes are notable when taking in the effects of their rivals, the inspiration of women in their lives and close friendships that help bring courage and success in their quests. Although, the two characters diverge from similarity as, Gilgamesh has a deep desire to be liberated from death’s grip while, Wallace aspires to release himself and the people of Scotland from the oppression brought forth by England, nonetheless, it is freedom they seek. The struggle for freedom that our two characters endure results from conflict with opposing personalities. Both having strong adversaries, …show more content…
In The Epic of Gilgamesh, he is very much a failed loner and thinks only of himself until he is united with Enkidu. Enkidu walks into the battle against the Bull of Heaven, faithfully, by Gilgamesh’ side with a willingness to sacrifice himself in place of his king and friend, affording the preservation of Gilgamesh and allowing Gilgamesh to advance in his quest for freedom. Likewise, in his attempt to conquer England, Wallace had his childhood companion, Hamish Campbell (referred to in the movie as Hamish), who helped propel Wallace toward freedom by fighting for his friend in victorious battles and by heightening morale. But, apart from assists in battle and morality, this is where the similarities of the relationship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu deviate from the likeness of Wallace and Hamish. Wallace treated his friend as an equal whereas, whereas Enkidu was considered lesser than Gilgamesh, as Enkidu was not a king. Therefore, the contributions toward freedom made by each of the pair of friends was respected in separately defined