Gilgamesh And Enkidu Relationship Analysis

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After the death of Enkidu, The friendship of Gilgamesh and Enkidu drastically changes from something dependable to something memorable. Gilgamesh no longer had a physical relationship with Enkidu; His “heart did not beat” (Sandars 95), for Gilgamesh knew that he will “never again… see [his] brother with [his] own eyes” (Sandars 89). Gilgamesh deeply cared for Enkidu and loved him like a brother, so when death came between them, their friendship broke along with Gilgamesh's heart. When his friend passed away, it marked the first time where Gilgamesh could no longer depend on Enkidu to help him on his quests. Gilgamesh commands the best stoneworkers of the land to “make a statue of [his] friend” (Sandars 96) of the finest metals, to honor