Gilgamesh And Hector Comparison Essay

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Épicos heroes are those who represent the ideals of the culture of this product. Gilgamesh and Héctor are two excellent examples of heroes épicos. The circumstances are very different, but also have many similarities. The two epopeyas were tragedies; the first similarity.

In comparison with Gilgamesh, Héctor seems to be more of the Hero estereotípico. Has left his wife and child small to fight for the pride and honor. He wanted to be at the height of the expectations of its people. His father was also a Guerrero famous of their culture. While Héctor is in the battle, which faces Achilles, Amer on the death of his friends.

However, Gilgamesh was in the battle and has lost his friend Enkidu. Gilgamesh is filled with pain, and has a search in the search for a way to come back to his friend. He feared for his own life, and looked to Utnapishtim for the secret of eternal life. Has abandoned completely to his people in his selfishness. …show more content…

Gilgamesh is filled with sorrow because of the Death of Enkidu, but has left its own people only for its own success. Its mission is based on the selfishness and greed. On the contrary, Héctor has left his family to fight

Achilles. Andrómaca said to Héctor that Achilles had killed her father, her brother and was his mother as a slave. Héctor was selfish and has filled with too much pride for stay at home and not to fight. Gilgamesh and Héctor are all two of the selfish heroes".

Accordingly, Gilgamesh never found the secret of eternal life. Héctor never again to the House with his wife and son, because it is death at the hands of Achilles. Although it was of two stories are totally different, which had a lot of things in common. Épicos heroes are not heroes in absolute; are men