
Gilgamesh And Monkey: An Analysis

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“The story is a machine for empathy. In contrast to logic or reason, a story is about emotion that is staged over a sequence of dramatic moments, so you can empathize with the characters without really thinking about it too much. It is a really powerful tool for imagining yourself in other people 's situations.” This quote from author Ira Glass perfectly encapsulates the experience many readers enjoy, by getting lost in one 's own imagination. This experience is invaluable, especially when creating visual depictions of stories for public consumption. From paintings to plays and movies, imagination is what carries the project to a new level of achievement. For example, the Harry Potter and Star Wars movie series would not have been nearly as successful without the employment of tremendous imagination. From the various works we have read in class, two stories have stood out to me as the most adaptable from the page to the screen, these are the Epic of Gilgamesh and Monkey, the folk novel from China. …show more content…

While I think both of these stories would translate beautifully to the big screen, Monkey carries a bigger allure due to the action-packed story arc, the lively and relatable characters, and the use of magical

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