
Gilgamesh Quote Analysis

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In The Epic of Gilgamesh, the main character, Gilgamesh wants to live forever, more than anything else. Even from Tablet II, you can see that he wants his to make his name immortal as he knows he will die “As for man, [his days] are numbered whatever he may do, is but wind,...exists not for me…” (19) This passage shows Gilgamesh trying to persuade Enkidu to kill Humbaba by acknowledging that their days are numbered, showing he wants to make a permanent mark on the world–suggesting he doesn’t want to be ‘but wind’. More proof that supports this is how Gilgamesh boasts to the people of Uruk, about his plans to kill Humbaba, “‘Hear me, O young men [of Uruk-the-sheep-fold,] O young men of Uruk, who understand [combat!] Bold as I am I shall tread
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