
Gilgamesh Research Paper

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After years of putting my research together, I’m ready to share it with the people. As you know, I invented time travel and used it to go back to the Assyrian empire. I decided on January 1st 12:01 that I needed to do something with my life. I had studied Mesopotamia for years and I knew my knowledge couldn’t be used any better way. I worked many years attempting and failing to make my machine. One day filled with unsuccessful attempts I was ready to give up, until finally it started up. I was convinced I was in a dream until I passed out and actually went into a dream. When I regained consciousness I packed my bags and went into the machine. In my bag I carried food was my notebook and a pen k in my bag I carried food was my notebook and …show more content…

My coordinates brought me to The city of Nineveh, one of the cities surrounding the Tigris and the twos zabs rivers. While in the capital of assyria I decided to blend in, it wasn't too difficult to find clothing. The most common clothing is the traditional tunic dress made of wool. My first stop was the Nineveh library. The library contains over 20,000 cuneiform including the Mesopotamian book The Epic of Gilgamesh. I looked over a few and decided to see the rest of this empire. As I walked I expected to be stared at, but nobody was looking towards me, they were counting their money to make sure it's enough for tax collections. I was aware that local leaders collected taxes so I brought gold jewelry to trade for money. If I had made the mistake to not being jewelry I would have been accused for opposing the king and would have been punished harshly. The thing that persuaded me so pay was my memory about reading that a king once cut an opposer into pieces and fed him to the dogs. I wasn't going to die like that. I had enough money left to trade for a horse. I planned to only travel a few miles away for Nineveh so I wouldn't lose my machine. I traveled along the

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