Girl In The Blue Cot Change

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Society Can Change A Person In a time of war and tragedy Girl In The Blue Coat by Monica Hesse is an excellent representation of how war can affect people and their lives. Hanneke is a young adult who lives in Amsterdam, 1943. During this time, World War ll had taken hold. Hanneke has gone from a nice young woman to a dealer in the black market. Girl In The Blue Coat depicts loyalty, betrayal, death, life, love, and hate. The time of war has come to Hanneke’s life; society has changed, and so has she. Hanneke was once an innocent girl; in the beginning of the war, Hanneke’s boyfriend Bas went to fight against the Nazis. During his time, Bas was shot and killed; Hanneke has blamed herself ever since. The nazis have won and taken over and have …show more content…

Ollie is a member of the resistance, and she asks the help of his friends and himself. In return, she is going to help them. On their way, she becomes friends with many new people. She also learns to forgive herself and others for what they have done. On their journey, Hanneke tracks down “Mirjam” after they track her down at the deportation center “Mirjam” doesn’t understand that Hanneke is there to help her. “Mirjam” decides to run and the Nazis shot and killed her. At the funeral home that Hanneke works at she learns that “Mirjam” is not actually Mirjam, but her best friend Amalia. Amalia was jealous of Mirjam because the boy she liked, liked Mirjam instead. She told her uncle about everything that was happening. She had forgotten that he had recently joined the NSB and told the rest of his group. Although, Amalia was the reason Mirjam and her family was caught, she tries to make up for her mistakes even if it takes her own life. Mirjam forgave Amalia for what she had done. That forgiveness showed Hanneke that she could forgive too. Hanneke learned new things about herself and others, although not all the events that occurred were preferable it changed her for the