
Girl In Translation Text

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There are many feminine struggles in Girl in Translation. The immigration, language, family responsibilities, working class struggle, love, poverty etc are the main problems of Kimberly Chang, the Protagonist. Kimberly and her mother arrive in America from Hong Kong. They moved in with Aunt Paula who had been in America for a few years. Aunt Paula arranged apartment for them while the apartment doesn’t seem safe, it’s in a bad neighborhood and infested with rats and cockroaches. So here start the immigration sufferings. Language difficulties Language difficulties that Kim faced from the school teacher, Mr. Bogart, he isn’t happy because Kim is late to school , and he speaks with an accent that she can’t understand. Things are even more complicated. Then Mr. Bogart hands out a pop quiz. Kim isn’t sure what to do, so she looks at another girl’s paper. Mr. Bogart views this as cheating, so he gives her a zero. When she tries to explain, he seems to mock her accent and attempts at saying sorry. Again Kim got bad opinion from the school …show more content…

From these readers can analyze she is still having the feelings of alienation. Ma and Kim struggle in the apartment since the heat doesn’t work. So they have to suffer because of climate too. Throughout these sufferings her mom wanted her to work for a better life that was the motivation for Kim to go back to Mr. Bogart’s class though she got insulted from him. Kimberly’s mom tells her, “That’s what a parent is for, to do whatever is necessary to give her child a good life” (p 50). In the same conversation, she also says, “Nothing can change how bright you are, whether your current teacher knows it or not. Most important, nobody can change who you are, except for you.”(p 50). The author handled it perfectly in particular the way she presents the daughter's struggle with the English

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