Glenn Garland College Essay

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Fellowship for EER Students Creates a Lasting Memory of Glenn Garland CLEAResult, the largest energy efficiency-consulting firm in North America, recently created a fellowship at The University of Texas Jackson School of Geosciences in memory of Glenn Garland, co-founder and former President and CEO of the Austin-based company. The Glenn Garland Memorial Graduate Fellowship in Earth & Energy Resources will provide a full fellowship for three students over six years as they obtain master’s degrees at the school’s Energy & Earth Resources Graduate Program (EER). The fellowship support is the first of its kind for the program, which provides students an interdisciplinary curriculum in areas of geosciences, engineering, business, law, and policy. …show more content…

He built a distinguished career over 25 years working to change the world by creating innovative solutions in energy saving strategies. A recipient of the prestigious Central Texas Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award, Garland was lauded as a visionary in his field and was a major driving force in CLEAResult’s growth and success. “[Insert quote from CLEAResult CEO or leader about Glenn Garland.]” CLEAResult’s mission is to “change the way people use energy.” The company provides energy efficiency design and implementation services for businesses and consumers. The company was founded in 2003 as a six-person operation in Austin and now employs nearly 3,000 people in over 50 states. Although Garland was not an alumnus of The University of Texas at Austin, the goal of the university’s Earth & Energy Resources Graduate Program to develop intellectual leaders who can expertly manage the earth’s resources and environment aligns closely with Garland’s personal mission to change the world through efficient use of energy. For this reason, Garland’s colleagues and friends at CLEAResult chose to create the fellowship in his memory to benefit students in the EER

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