During the 1800’s, a time where technology wasn’t that effective and it would take days to months to communicate or send a message, whereas today it only takes seconds for a message to be sent. Since the 1800’s the way people communicate has changed slowly over time with technology becoming more advanced and new ideas being brought up in society. This change is called globalization. Globalization is the process of building, expanding, and making businesses and technologies all around the world. Globalization is meant to expand many businesses to many global markets around and throughout the world. Also, globalization has many other factors to it such as “international trade and cross-border investment flows that are the main elements …show more content…
For example, many people in these countries and the United States have abused these benefits by making free trade agreements (FTA) to "reduce the barriers to trade between two or more countries, which are in place to help protect local markets and industries" (Grimson). This means that these free trade agreements allow markets to expand their businesses and increase in customers or buyers. Also, different countries are able to access any information and/or products they wasn’t able to reach before which also can help make markets better. Another important thing that is necessary for globalization is technology. Technology such as phones, laptops, and/or transportation. Phones and laptops have become an important factor because they help make it easier for people to access information and communicate with others around the world. Also, because of the improvement of phones and laptops they are used for education and sometimes to make payments and such. Technology can also “drive the change in global business strategies and improve international coordination” (Tan). Without technology many things would be harder than it shouldn’t