Goal Line Technology's Effect On The Soccer Field

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“A man’s errors are his portal for discovery”- a quote from James Joyce. Many soccer fans have been uncertain of a call made by the officials or referee, but what if we could change that? Goal line technology is an efficient, modern, and logical piece of technology formulated for instant gratification and accuracy in calls. I have been playing soccer for 16 years of my life and can attest to the frustration experienced after the referee makes a poor call. With Goal line technology, I feel that the benefit is vast in the fútbol (soccer) world and could affect thousands of games in the future. Goal line technology creates results that are more accurate than human observations and decisions. The way this works is simple: 14 cameras are placed …show more content…

This method is used to determine when the ball has completely crossed the goal line, in between the goal-posts and underneath the crossbar with the assistance of electronic devices and at the same time assisting the referee in awarding a goal or not, minus the element of possible human error(s). The referee is given a watch with a larger screen before entering the field just prior to the starting kick off. After the field official/referee has synced this watch, this mechanism receives signals from the field cameras that shows when a ball has crossed the line and a goal is scored while on the field. This instantaneous flow of information is key to making “good calls” and not have to stop the clock for conversations between the field officials or if there is uncertainty of what they observed. The advantage in this is what multiple cameras can capture, unlike American football, where there is stoppage time for officials to review the play or if the football crossed the line for a touchdown. Even with instant replay in American football, without a challenge to a field call by the coaches, instant replay is not utilized. With goal line technology, a challenge to a play or score, is not necessary. The cameras capture the moment from multiple angles and reports instantly to the field official. No challenges or time stoppage is …show more content…

These organizations have viewed goal line technology more as an unneeded intrusion into their sport and a loss of the humanity that has made soccer such an exciting game. But with technological advancements and wider use in this sport, the fans have been the real motivators and supporters to this technology and use. With this system, it helps create an almost full-proof way to prevent many arguments from arising. Now I am not saying players or even fans, will still not try to argue a call or goal, but with this technology and camera footage, it is rare that the ruling would change. With that said, pictures and video cannot be refuted. As the saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” This is just another advantage of having 14 more sets of “eyes” on the

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