Erving Goffman Theory

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The study will be based on Goffman’s (1959) theory of every day self-representation as a main framework. Erving Goffman, a 20th century Canadian Sociologist, has studied social behavior and interaction from the 1950’s up until his death in 1982. In his key work ‘The representation of the self in everyday life’, Goffman introduced self-representation as a part of social interaction that happens whenever two or more individuals meet; they attempt to obtain information about each other, such as status, attitudes, skills, trustworthiness etc. (Goffman 1959: 13). And explained the natural aim of an individual that performs in front of an audience as: “Regardless of the 3 particular objective [...], it will be in his interests to control the conduct of the others, …show more content…

The concept of the representation of the self is still rated a useful framework to explore social media interactions and selfproduction (Murty 2012: 1071). Goffman’s theory will set the base for this project; the presentation of the self will be analyzed and compared as a constant performance on two parallel platforms. One of Goffman’s (1959) focuses was the expressiveness of the individual, which acts differently when in presence of others. He defined a ‘performance’ as all activities of an individual in front of a certain audience during a given occasion. An individual would accentuate certain matters and keep from sight others. Discrepant roles may develop when audience or team-members discover nonobvious information about the performance that challenge it’s credibility, which influences the honesty and realness with which individuals interact. According to Goffman, an individual would often involve its ego in a part of social interaction, and identification with another individual or