
Going To Mars Research Paper

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Are you thinking whether you should go to Mars or not? You shouldn’t need to think, the answer is no. Have you already thought through the problems of going to Mars? Have you thought of high risk traveling, radiation poisoning, unknown situations, and surviving problems? If not, you might want to read the next few paragraphs and give a thought about it. Going to Mars is an extremely dangerous event.

The first problem that you will face is high risk traveling. Remember, not everything is perfect. A tiny mistake can cause the rocket to explode. But the real problems really start in outer space. Your rocket might smash to a giant meteorite and will cause an explosion. The rocket might be out of control. So you might get curled into a black hole or head toward the Sun. The most dangerous part is landing. When missions fail, it is often because of the landing. Also, this Mars trip takes between 150-300 days according to the estimation of Universe Today. In this time, you will face a serious health risk from cosmic rays and energetic particles from the Sun. Both can do damage to DNA and increase your chance of cancer. These are some basic problems you will face if you are traveling to Mars. …show more content…

Let me warn you about this, surviving on Mars is an experiment! No one has done this before. First of all, you need a shelter. You need to work with a space suit that will cause you to be slower. After you build your shelter, you will need food, water, and oxygen. You need to create them. But think. Where can you find these sources on a dusty planet that has nothing? Later on, you will either die of hunger or your spacesuit will be damaged. Imagine living on Mars without a spacesuit. You won’t even live! Co2 will poison you before you freeze. As you can see, surviving on Mars is a horrible

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