Golden Age Of Islam Essay

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olden Age of Islam Made An Impact on Today’s World During the Greek and Roman Era, many things have been discovered and helped the modern world with its foundation. Examples of the knowledge that were found are: philosophy, medicine, mathematics, art, and many other great discoveries. This had changed the mind of people during the years before the middle ages and has made them become very enthusiastic to find more information about these fields. Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato are one of the people that influence many human beings during the present time, and influenced the past as well with their extraordinary work in philosophy. Although these discoveries made quite an impact on the world, it has not made it as big as the middle age era. When the middle age arrived, many events have happened and changed the background of the world. One of the main events that occurred was the rise of Islam. This event has led to the creation of a new religion and trying to spread it across the world. While the Muslims were spreading the belief in many different areas, they had a moment where it was special and grateful to all humanity. They have discovered knowledge that overpassed the thinking of the Greeks and Romans. This was the beginning of the Islamic golden age. They have thought of new things that the Greeks and Romans never thought …show more content…

The Arab scholars were the ones that expanded the learning of the subject and went on to discover many new rules and theories. Although the Greeks and Indians initiated it, The Arabs have taken their work and went beyond of what the founders have discovered. One of the big names in the world of mathematics is Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi. He is the scholar that led us to use the term “Algebra” in mathematics during the present time. “Al-Khwarizmi translated, used, and expanded on the work of Euclid, Archimedes, Apollonius of Perga, Ptolemy and Diophantus.” (Lewis,

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