Golding's Lord Of The Flies: Character Analysis

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As humans, we all have evil inside of us. We can choose to express our evil and let it grow stronger or we can maintain composure. The evil inside of us can’t always be maintained. Being isolated, being influenced by others, and human nature sometimes makes it not possible to maintain composure and hold our evil within. The author of the book Lord of the Flies, William Golding, shows readers how the little evil inside of people can be expressed in violent, savagery ways. One example from Lord of the Flies when evil was express from within a person would be Jack. In the beginning of the novel, Jack was a semi mellow 12-year-old, who didn’t cause many problems. But, as hunger for power grew on the island and isolation became a problem, Jack allowed his evil …show more content…

All the boys on the island chose to express their evil due to isolation, hunger for power, and knowing they won’t ever be rescued. Many factors influenced the boys on the island to express their evil within themselves. A key factor that played a major rule in pulling the evil from within the boys was being isolated on an island in the middle of no where. The first people that Golding allows the readers to see who were starting to get affected by isolation were the Littluns. The littluns were affected by isolation first when they started having nightmares. These nightmares were caused by imaginary “beasts” that were said to be on the island. There was never any beasts or monsters on the island. People may ask, what does isolation have to do with nightmares? When isolated, the human brain makes your body do weird things and act out in weird ways. Isolation also can cause hallucinations. What the Littluns were experiencing was hallucinating. Being isolated made the Littluns minds see and hear different things than what is actually real. The Littluns weren’t the only ones on