Golf Comparison Essay

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The old adage goes something like, ‘Football is a gentleman’s game played by hooligans, whereas Rugby is a hooligan’s game played by gentleman.’ Naturally, golf claims the best of both worlds: a gentleman’s game played by true gentlemen. Though some of the more peripheral features of what constitutes a gentleman may have changed over the years, the core values remain consistent: integrity, style, graciousness and respectability. It is a combination of these integral ideals that helps shape a true golfer in the traditional sense. It isn’t about the deepest pockets or the biggest mouth; for golf to maintain its unmatched reputation, the principles of gentlemanly conduct must continue to be seen. Setting standards above par Critics in the …show more content…

Rather than being vilified for cheating, he is still celebrated as a cult-hero figure in his home country to this day. It is the absence of this sort of ungentlemanly behaviour that sets golf aside from all other spectator sports. Golf etiquette The rules of etiquette whilst on the course are clearly defined and well-known; from the way you dress to your pace of play, all of your conduct helps shape both your personal image and the reputation of the sport itself. But stepping off the green doesn’t have to result in the abandonment of these ethics, as any true golfer will tell you. The mindset of the gentleman isn’t temporary; rather it dictates the way a man conducts himself across all aspects of his life. Style has always played a large part in this, despite some of the more tasteless clothing designs seen on recent tours. There are few other sports that allow its players to wear their ‘uniform’ as comfortably in a bar or restaurant as they can on the course. Naturally, no true gentleman golfer is complete without an ETIQUS, because the very essence of golf itself lies in the style, integrity and panache of its

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