
Gone Girl Rhetorical Devices

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Many people go through tough things that force them to take a step back from the world and their current situation. When people go through this they think they're alone and nobody is there to help, although that is very untrue because many people go through the same thing. In SZA´s song ¨Gone Girl¨ she shows that she has gone through something that costs her a step back from the world. SZA expresses in her song that she needs time to focus on herself. She says that this time in her life is really tough and she needs a break. Although she makes it clear that she is not alone, and that many people are experiencing the same thing. In SZA´s song ¨Gone Girl,¨ she uses repetition and personification to show how many people go through difficulties in life just like herself. …show more content…

The repetition in SZA´s lyrics show how she is gone/taking a step back from life. The repeated line in the chorus goes, ¨Gone, gone girl, gone girl / You better learn how to face it¨ (SZA 15-16). This line is repeated five times throughout the whole song, although the ¨gone girl¨ part is repeated twenty-four times and is also the title of the song. This means that this line has a very deep meaning to SZA. SZA portrays that she is dealing with many hard things in her life and needs to take a break. She is telling herself and others that they have to learn how to face and deal with life and its problems. Overall, SZA reveals what she is going through by using repetition, and she shows everybody that they are never

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