Good And Evil In William Golding's Lord Of The Flies

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In William Golding’s, Lord of the Flies, it depicts the treacherous qualities of a man and the relation to the era of Golding’s time, Word War Two. The story proceeds to show the power of the human mind causing destruction on the island. Lord of the Flies is based on a group of young boys trying to place law and order on an island, in order for survival to occur. These young boys eventually turn into savages causing a tremendous amount of bloodshed. Golding wrote this book about a decade after World War Two. Readers have found the time period of the authors book to correlate with the themes of the novel, civilization verses humanity, and good verses evil. He focuses on the personality of man that evolves into violent behaviour. He expresses this through characterization, symbolism and allegory. World War Two was primarily based on an evil man named Hitler trying to seize the world by creating conflict. The story shows Jack, the antagonist, and his seizure of power. It shows the relevance of the conch through symbolism, themes and ideal comparisons. The novel proceeds to convey the message of savagery and violence which, unfortunately, the human mind has no control over, leading to a violent end. He also shows how evil is formed through a man. Also, Exploring how power can create conflict through control, good verses evil and certain objects creating a sense of embellishment. Evidently, Jack’s seizure of power plays a very large role in this novel. Golding connects Jack to