Good Grade Essay: Paying For Good Grades In School

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Good Grades Essay

Adults are usually getting money when they do their jobs, but what about the children? Children get good grades, but they don’t get any money for doing it. Some people think that giving children money for good grades would help them in the future except it might not help them as much.Paying for good grades is a bad idea because students forget what they learned, parents start to worry, and the school might need the money. Because of this some schools don’t bother having to pay students for good grades.So these reasons are, why they shouldn’t do it.

To begin, once teachers start paying students for good grades, the student’s grades went up, but did they actually learned? Some students might have only done it just for the money, which won’t help them in the future. Some students might be doing the work for both the money and the learning which is good, but some students wouldn’t really be doing it for the learning so it could be hard for them to remember those things. On said that,”It isn’t the point to get your kids to work satisfactorily.” This shows that when your …show more content…

If they just give students money for good grades than what about some of the holes in the walls or the crayons that can’t even be used because they're broken, their can be lots of things that schools might need money for. Some students won’t even use the money that was given to them for the school instead they might use it for other stuff.An article from Ginger Ninja even says some of the same things. “Kids should be satisfied with accomplishment.” This shows that kids should be satisfied with the feeling of happiness when they help someone like helping the schools. In any case, even if money makes kids more motivated, the school would need the money to help the school much better and it could be helpful for other kids that come in the next