Gospel Of John: Passage Analysis

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The main message of the passage teaches us to embrace the truth even if it leads to our downfall. As catholics, Jesus is an exemplary figure, and everyday our goal should be to try and act more and more like him. In this excerpt from the gospel of John, Jesus is on trial and Pilate is interrogating him. Pilate is consistently trying to see if Jesus is a threat to political rulers by claiming he is a king. Jesus explains that his kingdom doesn’t belong to our world because his kingdom is the kingdom of Heaven. Once Jesus mentions a kingdom Pilate assumes that Jesus is claiming he is a king which is what leads to him being found guilty. “My kingdom does not belong to this world”(John 18: 36). Jesus says this after Pilate asks him what he has …show more content…

We were made in the image and likeness of God and God wants us to be the best we can. None of us are perfect, but we can learn who to become more like the Catholics God wants us to be through the gospels and Jesus’ teachings. In this portion of the gospel of John, Jesus is trying to teach us the importance honesty and truthfulness. Jesus could have lied to get out of the situation he was in, but he told the truth, which eventually lead to him being found guilty and crucified. In the Ten Commandments it states that lying is a sin, and it is evidently seen throughout the bible that lying disappoints God. “For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice”(John 18: 37). In this quote, Jesus is saying he came to spread the truth which is the Word of God. Everyone who listens to him and the Word he is teaching, belongs with him with him and the Father in the Kingdom of …show more content…

When we commit sins like lying, the bond we have with them cracks each time and can only be repaired by penance. Through the sacrament of Reconciliation our connection with God grows stronger. This gospel teaches us how important the truth is and when we are honest, it brings us closer to God and enriches our Faith in both God, and Jesus. Jesu could have lied, but he told the truth and that ultimately lead to his crucifixion. Although, after his passion and resurrection he was able to return to Heaven. To enrich our faith, we should aspire to be more like Jesus so that when we die, we can be with God and his son eternally in the Kingdom of

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