Gospel Of Luke Essay

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The gospel of Luke was composed in the second century AD. It can be found in the New Testament alongside a collection of similar stories by authors Matthew, Mark, and John, told with different perspectives. The two methods that I will be focusing on are Liberation theology and historical. The Gospel of Luke includes many of Jesus’ teachings that are recorded in other Gospels. Each of the parables in Luke, illustrates what Luke regards as an essential characteristic of Jesus’ work. Jesus was not trying to raise opposition to the Roman government, nor was he lacking in sympathy. He places the highest value on good character regardless of a person’s race or nationality. For example, although many Jews looked with disfavor on the Samaritans, Luke points out that of the ten lepers whom Jesus healed, only the one who was a Samaritan expressed his gratitude for what Jesus had done. Throughout the gospel, Luke emphasizes that Jesus was a friend not only to Jews but to Samaritans and to so called outcasts from different races and nationalities. Writing from the point of view of the Christian church toward the end of the first century, …show more content…

This includes the date and place it was written, the identity of the author and the author’s method of composition, who the author’s audience is, what other historical information is necessary to better understand the book and how the answers help us to better understand the overall meaning of the book. The term Liberation theology is a movement that interprets scriptures from the bible that focuses on the poor and suffering. Jesus who was poor himself, concentrated on the poor and downtrodden, as seen in the gospel liberation theology comes from a poor perspective. Securing the rights of the poor is the central form of the

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