Gospels Review: Mark Jesus’s life, mission, and work done is presented in a few different ways in the New Testament. After reading Mark, it is quite clear that there is a direct approach in mind, and specific points that should stand out to the reader. Being the shortest of the Gospels, the Gospel of Mark is not known for its fine details, but rather lays out facts, events, and meanings in short manors. Focussing on describing miracles that Jesus performed and places Jesus went, the Gospel of Mark lacks the charisma of detailed parables and stories that the other Gospels seem to go into more depth with. Rather, the Gospel of Mark seems to be themed in Faith, and show the ways people were faithful via their actions. Unlike the other Gospels, …show more content…
Although a majority of the Gospel is dedicated to listing and describing the miracles he performed. Be them acts of healing, both spiritual and physical, or the casting out and silencing of people possessed by demons. The first miracle described in the Gospel of Mark is the act of Jesus casting out an unclean spirit from a man. The unique aspect is that Jesus tells the man to keep quiet of the happening, but only the exact opposite occurs. Instead, this miracle becomes the starting point for Jesus, and news of his action spread far and wide. In fact, Jesus performs a number of miracle in the Gospel of Mark telling people not to talk about it, to keep it to themselves, or simple to stay quiet, and the opposite always occurs. I feel that the lesson to be learned here is Jesus wants the individuals to be humble of the gifts they received, and instead of spreading the miracle that has happened to them, be thankful to God for what has …show more content…
These people first made their appearance in the Gospel when Jesus forgave the sins of the paralyzed man that was lowered into the house he was teaching in. When they questioned his authority to forgive sins, Jesus did not submit to their reasoning, but rather countered with the alternative of raising the man up, completely healed of being paralyzed. In a later example, Jesus was eating with sinners and tax collectors, and he was questioned on why he would keep such company. In many ways, Jesus made it clear that his mission was to touch the lives of everyone, not just those who were already in favor of God. This was a statement that the prideful could not accept, as it went against the ideals held in the Old Testament. Jesus was also accused of performing his miracles and acts of casting out demons by demons alone, but he quickly put this accusation to rest by stating in a logical manner that if his house was divided against itself, then it would surely fall. These doubting individuals also request a sign on multiple occasions such that they believe, but because of their selfish and wrongful intent of their request, Jesus never gives them