
Gothic Literature: Appropriate, Supernatural, And Gothic

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An aspect of the Romantic period was an interest in the bizarre, supernatural, and gothic. In this era it was common for the passages to makes the reader unsteady with the atmosphere given by the setting. The setting for Sir Bertrand and Castle of Otranto both take place in buildings that are huge and make the character feel small in comparison. This has had an influence to our modern time literature and television shows. Some modern television shows that have been influenced by Gothic Literature in supernatural are Game of Thrones, American Horror Story, Vampire Diaries, and Teen Wolf. Most Gothic Literature leave the reader in suspense and they thrived on that sensation to continue reading. Although, the reader is fearful as to what would …show more content…

As a character is in fear the surroundings around them are more noticeable. A reason of this can be since the character is in fear they are more conscious of what is surrounding them. These quotes from The Castle of Otranto “The lower part of the castle was hollowed into several intricate cloisters; and it was not easy for one under so much anxiety to find the door that opened into the cavern.” (Walpole, 588 ) and “The awful silence reigned throughout those subterraneous regions, except now and then some blasts of wind that shook the doors she has passed and, and which, grating on the rusty hinges, were re-echoed through that long labyrinth of darkness.” ( Walpole, 588 )give an example of the setting and how it makes the character feel uneasy and worried of what is going to occur next. All the details contribute to the story since it gives the reader more reason to feel a certain emotion such as fear and suspense. Supernatural was also involved in the passage Sir Bertrand and this quote “Sir Bertrand was thrown into a sudden trance, and on recovering, found himself seated .” ( Aikin, AIkin, 593 ). gives an example that spent hung out of the ordinary is occurring even if the character is not conscious about it occurring. “The roof in various places was fallen in, the battlements were

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