In the novel, “Brave New World,” by Aldous Huxley, the theme of government control is expressed in the shape of a dystopian society where things like knowledge, individuality, and freedom are sacrificed for social stability. Huxley illustrates many kinds of government control through methods such as drugs, conditioning, and advanced technology. Similarly, our current society contains many different methods of government control like social media influence, surveillance and so much more. Countries all over the world experience government control in ways that citizens don’t see or know. The novel presents how a world controlled by manipulation and pleasure reflects our reality that is governed by things like surveillance and propaganda. In Brave New World, Aldous Huxley portrays the extent of government control through several methods, …show more content…
One of the major ways that Brave New World used technology was through something called the Bokanovsky’s Process. This process is a way for the State to control how many people will be born and where they are meant to go. As seen in the book, Huxley states, “Bokanovsky’s Process is one of the major instruments of social stability” (Huxley, 18). This quote gives a clear statement of how this process helps to maintain stability because it is a major instrument used in the world. Overall, the Bokanovsky’s process helps to eliminate individuality and ensure the ability to maintain social stability. Deeper analysis, the steps of the procedure are greater than the normality of one egg, one embryo, and one adult. As Huxley describes, a bokanovskified egg will bud, proliferate, and then divide. This emphasizes how the reproductive technology system can create several identical humans. Clearly, technology’s role in Brave New World has resulted in a great impact and successful outcome of the State’s