Graduation Speech: Iftin Charter School

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Assalamu Alaikum, and good morning everyone! I am Hafsa Hussein. As a member of the graduating class, I will like to welcome parents, family members, guests, school board members, teachers, and of course my fellow graduates. Let me start by saying that we should know that our moms and dads are very proud of us today. They have high hopes for us, they believe in us, and we are making them proud by showing what we can do. Take a look at them now, and you can see them smiling and snapping photos so they can record this moment forever. Today is an important day for us and for them. Today they are very, very proud of us. Iftin Charter School had impacted me in different ways, and my best impacts were the teachers because of their kindness; they’ve always been …show more content…

We have studied together, laughed together, learned together, cried together, and made memories together. We know that this is just the beginning, so now we will embark on a new journey called High School. We will look forward to the new memories that we will make, new friends we'll find, challenges we'll face, and new abilities we will discover in our lives as young adults. We’ve grown as a team in 8th grade, but more importantly, as people figuratively and literally. We became smarter, more confident, and of course, taller. Together, we listened as the teachers told us about high school and together we came over the seemingly endless lists of classes. We turned in our worn, wrinkled, class sheets nervously, but a couple months later, all our worries disappeared. Today, we will graduate together in a matter of minutes, leaving behind a school, a grade, our team, and some great, great teachers. Together, we will enter high school, and in four years we’ll graduate: class of 2020 just imagine that. Senior year will be just like this one, but the intensity will be higher. We'll worry about college applications and SAT scores, and leaving behind our

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