Graffiti Art Persuasive Essay

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An artwork that I have admired for some time is a graffiti style sticker or slap up that I have noticed all over New York City. The sticker is a likeness of the late Robin Williams. Graffiti is defined in the Oxford dictionary as writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place; but has it become more than that? Does Graffiti deserve to hold a presence among the art world? Artists and critics have debated over graffiti and whether it classifies as art for quite some time. In ancient Egypt you could even find evidence of scratched or chiseled graffiti works in the stone slates. Modern times however graffiti artists have used new mediums to create their works, still very much in the …show more content…

As you can see from the original work, he has cropped the bottom portion to allow the piece to transform into just a head. Cooke was able to reprint Robin’s head and gave them away for free to anyone who messaged him from many different countries. Graffiti artists usually make “Slap Ups” or “Paste Ups” which consist of an image being drawn on top of a sticker surface, for example a postage label. This allows for more detailed effort to be put into the work and a quick getaway! “Stickers are a quick and easy (some say lazy) way to throw up a tag quickly. Graffiti writers used to use the “Hi, My Name Is” name tag stickers, but these days it’s also common to see them on the free address labels you can get from the Post Office. It’s just as likely to see elaborate, professional-looking printed stickers with a message or image plastered all over. Graffiti artists like stickers because they can take their time on the art in private, then quickly slap them up wherever.” …show more content…

This makes the image increasingly hard to remove. The process is rather time consuming but very interesting! ( By also printing them onto shirts and as stickers he is able to sell them and spread the viewing of his artwork. Although I believe he has only done this locally as of late, (considering the link was down for purchase, yes I tried to but one!) the artwork will still travel along with the buyers and can potentially be stuck and worn anywhere creating more exposure and now involving the buyer! They become a part of the artist's process and carry the message he is

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