Grand Arabesque Second Time Analysis

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The artwork, Grand Arabesque, Second Time by Edgar Degas with Bronze material is a figure statue of a dancer with her leg on the floor as another is in the air as a dancing pose. First, I thought it was a yoga pose since I am interested in yoga and that's why I chose this piece. Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) explains “In the classic ballet position, the dancer bends forward while standing on one straight leg, with the opposite arm extended forward and the other arm and leg extended backward” which is a dance pose called, Grand Arabesque. This artwork took place 1885-1890 which is during impressionism. Also, the height of this piece is 42.2 x 60.6 x 27 cm which is a small statue of the dancer. First of all, Edgar Degas was a French artist that he was “trained in a traditional academic style, which is particularly evident in the classical subjects of his early works, and he was a master draftsman and captured of emotions” according to …show more content…

Ballet is also the art because the dancers are making art by doing the shows with the music. Also, this pose is one of the familiar routines in the performance because when I went to a show and remembered this pose and it made me happy. Also, this pose is popular in ice skating championships during the winter Olympics, which I went to the Olympic trials in Boston and saw this and I was relaxed and calm. When I found this art piece I found this calm, relax, and happy. Grand Arabesque, Second Time created from bronze with different materials with “made in wax, wire, and plastilene” which it needed to support the art (RISD). The wax is for the modeling the sculpture; the wire is for the frame and holds it in place, and lastly plastilene is clay to model the sculpture. It is amazing how many materials needs to create a sculpture like this one. Edgar Degas liked to use these three items to create his