Introduction This graph is from Street Blog USA, by Tanya Snyder. The pie graph above represents the amount of deaths Americans have encountered from 2003-2012 from regular car crashes, motorcycles and bicyclists. Functions • Graphics are Indispensable in demonstrating logical and numerical relationships- Without graph logical and numerical relationships, would be almost impossible to understand without proper graphics. • Graphics can communicate spatial information effectively than words alone – Graphs help people understand the point and visuals, also helps understanding the impact of what is being presented, like in my image above. • Graphics can communicate steps in process more effectively than words alone- True with the image above …show more content…
Characteristics • A graphic should serve a purpose-Like in the image above everything in the graph serves a purpose. you can confuse the person who is viewing the image with extra images. • A graphic should be simple and uncluttered-There should be a lot of things trying to be explained in a graph, which could get confusing for the reader. • A graphic should present a manageable amount of information –little information can also be confusing or misleading, like in the image above if they didn’t show what the colors meant. • A graphic should meet the readers format of expectations-the graph should show the information that the readers are looking for like in the image above showing traffic crashes in the United States from a certain time period. • A graphic should be clearly labeled -In the image above every label has something to do with the graph. Color • Don’t overdo –no extra colors should be added to the graph that isn’t needed. • Use color to emphasize particular items –There should be every color for every topic and it should not be close in color to the other topics being