Great Expectations Grateful People

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How can being grateful for what a person has effect the way they live their life. Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens, is about a boy named Pip who has great expectations for the future. Great Expectations is a novel where Charles Dickens shows people how being grateful for what they have, can change the way they live. How wealthy people are can vastly affect how grateful people are for the things they have. When Phillip Pirrup (pip) was in London, he was so focused on the physical things he had, but was never grateful for it. The whole time Pip was in London, he focused on money and physical thing and he was never grateful for his friends and relationships. When Pip lived in the marshes, he was less focused on money and physical items, and more focused on relationships and helping people. Even though Pip wants to be a gentleman when he still lived in the marshes, he never let it effect how he cared for his family and friends. When Pip became a gentleman, he was excited, but he started to focus of money. The longer he was in London, he disconnected with …show more content…

When Pip was around the upper class in London, or even when he was with Estella, he began to be less grateful for the clothes, home, and appearance he already had. Being around upper class people in any situation can make people feel like they need to change, but Pip just stopped being grateful for what he already had. When Pip was still in Kent, he was with Joe and Mrs. Joe and was more aware of what he already had. Being around Joe and Mrs. Joe made Pip value the things and people that he had in his life. When Pip began to see Estella, he began to be less grateful for what he had and instead spent all his time wishing he had more money, nicer things, and was a gentleman. When Pip met Estella, he quickly began to change, he was no longer grateful for the life he had, because he wanted the life of a